Idle Ponderings... Passing Fancies... Lessons Learnt... Second Thoughts... Bursts of Inspiration... Thoughts in Motion...


tH3 DeVioUS aND DiaBOLicAL MiND oF


Posted By Unknown on/at Sunday, December 07, 2008

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

Its always a skill to conjure an excuse at the opportune moment.. Be it a fever, a wedding, a family emergency or any other excuse for that matter... Delivering excuses is an art we develop from childhood...

It is a kind of communication soft skill along with the likes of negotiation, persuasion, bullshitting etc...

There are two types of excuses... Creative and genuine... It's amazing, when they mistake the former for the latter... The opposite case scenario, disappointing really... In the words of my generation, it frankly sucks...

Oh, of course we've got proof and the whole shebang... But the funny thing is, if you're a pro, you know all excuses are ironclad... Oh, it hurts... When you actually come down with a nasty cold, that keeps you in bed, coughing your heart out... And your higher ups give you that look that say's "Who do you think you're trying to fool, kiddo. I know your whole game play by play"... Been there done that kinda thing is annoying...

It's tough being a pro you know... Big expectations can be ruined by the littlest of things... More often you find yourself skeptical of other peoples excuses... The one they claim to be genuine... Yes, its paranoia !!!

I guess in the end it always comes down to trust... And trust is easily given to people who often have no cause for excuses... The irony !!!

Meanwhile, I was down with a bad ass fever... Post that I was a wee bit lazy... Actually a lot lazy to blog anything.... So for now, I'm back till I need another excuse...


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Posted By Unknown on/at Sunday, November 23, 2008

I constantly ask myself, what's in a blog?

Blogs these days, have become so diverse and so specialized that you could give all of them a job description... The critic, the public, the celebrity, the entrepreneur, the bureaucrat, the educator, the advocate and a gazillion more...

But then again most blogs boil down to being of a more personal sort... They are very slice of life like... With a little salt and pepper to help it along the way, of course... I'm not the most open person in the world, so my piece of pie is void of life... I meant void of my life... It's filled with perspective, doubts and rants about the world that blankets me... It's my way of glaring at the face of everything outside my personal life looking in... Be it politics, lunatics, fanatics, heretics whatever...

But aside from the face off with the world, there is a lot more to blogging... It's like a journey of self discovery... It really sets your mind in motion, drifting free from the physical plane we are lost to... And lost to contemplation...

Blogging is cyberspace meditation...

To what effect I don't know, maybe its just a labrynth of constant conflicts and solution... Maybe it's a dummy's guide to self enlightenment...

Whatever it maybe... Right now, all I know is I definitely get a kick out of it... And so I'll keep at it...

Until maybe, I become so fabulously wealthy that I can hire a team of ghost-writers to maintain my blog...


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Posted By Unknown on/at Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'll start off on a tangent...

I'll start with tragic movies.... I hate them... I'm not emotionally bankrupt, mind you... It's just that it lingers in the mind and sucks the happiness out of you... I'd rather leave that festering feeling for real life situtations... Well I know that movies pick up the extraordinary or the unusual and stick it in your face... I enjoy it... It's a good release, we can fantasise, we can have fun... But why do they force us to dwell in misery...

The front pages of a newspapers rarely rarely bear good news... It would be a change for nice to see good news on the front page, and bad news on the second page... Why do I have to start my day with a long face... The crowded city and the hectic traffic manages to do so splendidly well on its own...

The humanitarian side would be the portrayal of wise man equivalent of Dumbledore or Gandalf saying "These things happen my child and you should not turn a blind eye to it. Media is just a window to the reality around you"... A little coloured in perpective though...

And when you just think that your life is splendid the way it is... They raise the expectations tenfold... Hell, I'm being conservative make it thousandfold... You realise your clothes are no longer the in thing and that those that you gave away to charity yesterday was what you should be wearing now....

Sometime's movies make you do stupid things... Getting a ghajini style haircut? Why in blazes should I resemble a retard who has a memory that could be outrivalled by the most primitive pentium... Not even a pentium, make that a stone-agium.... I'm being vindictive (My barber said that there is a chance that if I do get that style, there's a chance hair may not grow back there)... I admit it does make a statement.... But why do we let it govern our lives....

Whys page3 new's obsessed with shattering the lives and happiness of celebrities... We are sadists... We enjoy their fall from grace... It makes us out to be better people in comparison to the people over there... Even though some of us deep inside envy them... How petty of us...

By now you might wonder where this blog is headed, well... Nowhere... Ever heard the term merchant of death.... Well media is a merchant of temptation... Be it misery, gloom, happiness, recognition media has the power to sell it to you... But at the end of the day just remember that you are media's customers, not their loyal subjects....

Exercise some control will ya... Media doesn't define life... Life defines media !!!


Posted By Unknown on/at Sunday, November 16, 2008

There are times when a mobile phone can be damn annoying? How about every time it rings... I'm exaggerating... But seriously, in theaters, between conversations, in meetings, in the middle of a lecture... Come on people should be at least sparingly considerate...

Why are people determined to drive the next guy up the wall to the point that they just loose it?

Why do these idiots refuse to put it on vibration mode... Maybe they believe that if they just try hard enough, they might get nominated for the nuisance of the year award...

Forget that why don't these geniuses just turn down the volume a notch... Guess they believe that if at first you don't succeed in annoying the crap out of the next guy, try try again...

Not to mention being interrupted in between a conversation by a call by the other party... How dare he, when we make the time to see him in person!

Not to mention the constant itch that people get to occupy themselves with the phone while in the middle of the conversation...

On the phone when driving! Let me not start on that count...

The masses are making headway on the path to being self centred, obnoxious, impatient and down right inconsiderate without cellphone helping the along... Shame on you, shame on me, shame on us!

Mind your Cell Phone Etiquette's people!!!


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Posted By Unknown on/at Monday, November 10, 2008

I know I've been a darn right A** for not being regular... So sue me.... It's my blog... It's not like I write to please... It's just that its pleasing to write...

Scratch that I've hit a block... And I'm being lazy... I'm just taking it out on you... My apologies...

Although I'm working around a couple of things to put under my creative jurisdiction... I'll be up and around shortly... This time for real...

The thing is I've been getting idea's in flashes... The downside is they leave just as quickly as they come... I'm working on a solution...

Till then... God bless and good fortune be upon you....


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Posted By Unknown on/at Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Forgive me for not making any introductions... Not because I believe them unnecessary... Because they're a waste of time, I don't put stock in them and I hate being discarded as prejudiced...

Since it would be cruel to leave you with no information at all, I'll leave you with crumbs... Male, early Twenties, Indian... Some of my padres think me, too much of a critic... I'm not one at heart, I just believe that bad can be good, good can be better, better can be great and so on... See, not a critic, just an optimist... I believe in peoples best, so sue me... Career wise, I'm an advertising person, through and through... As for the rest of me you can divine, off my blog...

This is the second time I'm starting this blog from scratch... My previous blog was too intense and far too divided in content for my liking... I constantly strive to improve... I can never be satisfied with my work... I work and rework and overwork my work when I'm driven...

About this blog... What can I say, its like painting my mind onto a canvas... Since blogs are free, my canvas would be priceless... I'll try not to be abstract about my business, rather I'd try to keep it real, sometimes surreal...

Most of the time I share that universal affliction that prevents me from blogging regularly... Everyone I know calls it laziness... I beg to differ, I call it the pursuit of happiness...


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Posted By Unknown on/at Sunday, August 03, 2008

Today is 7th October, the piece below was written quite a while ago... It mentions 21st of August as D-day for Blog start... I've fallen short of my deadline by two months.... My excuses, I have none... Yikes, and lets leave it that... My blog has begun... Again...


This blog is currently undergoing a serious overhaul... It will be up and running proper by the 21st of August, 2008... Until then fair readers
(non-racial), I bid you good luck and great fortune... If there's plenty going around, save some for me...

Ps. The extension of tthe date from 15th to 21st was due to the fact that I'm associated with a campaign that is very dear to me and my friends... Sometimes one has to sacrifice self for the greater good... Sounds old school, but that's my excuse... Honest...

For the skeptics who think's I'm making excuses.... This is what i was busy with...


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