Idle Ponderings... Passing Fancies... Lessons Learnt... Second Thoughts... Bursts of Inspiration... Thoughts in Motion...


tH3 DeVioUS aND DiaBOLicAL MiND oF


Posted By Unknown on/at Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's been a while isn't it ??? Since, I had a go at my blog... But then again, finding the time to do so has run pretty scarce... Working and traveling keeps me engaged most of the time... Not to mention the lack of a laptop, but that's a problem with a solution in the works...

On the agency front, work's been piling up... Working through it one stack at a time... Been entrusted with more responsibility at the agency... I'm now an Associate Creative Director... Woohoo... Even got a business card printed from the office... Id card to follow soon...

It's tougher now, knowing you've got solid responsibility to shoulder... Now, if the ship heads off course, you know it's because you didn't pull your weight... In the early copywriter days, you just did what you were told and that was that... Now you have higher ups to answer to, budgets to worry about, deadlines and media plans to put in place, media choices to worry about... It's definitely not easier at the top!!!

Maybe I should ask for a downgrade ???

Funny thing is 'Innovation' use to be such a great word... Now I'm getting to know first hand what innovation is all about... In advertising it actually means "Sonny, we don't have much money... So work your magic with what little we can give you"... Ain't that a reality check!!!

It's a covert name for below the line advertising like direct marketing, road shows etc, etc... Bleak as it may seem it too is fun, but it is harder work... It actually involves getting up from your desk and moving about... Whew!!!

Sure there's a lot of interesting terms in advertising that I still have to explore and rediscover... But 'innovation' was a decent start...

Anyways, toodles for now... I'm seriously running out of good thoughts to put down...

On a lighter note, I haven't seen a good movie in months... Need to remedy that soon... Any suggestions ???


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Posted By Unknown on/at Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Well don't my excuses just get better... I got my laptop stolen... Yeesh, I hate recalling it... Just when you think life's going swell... Out pops these little hitches along the road... How does it feel to loose a laptop ??? Well, It feels empty, like a void's taken it's place...

The all the time spent chatting, listening to music, doing crazy stuff, playing games, writing blogs, working on work, going through tutorials, reading... All that's gone... Gone into the void... Now I have a lot of free time, which I spend doing nothing...

I hate doing nothing, when I'm doin nothing I sleep... It's either do or sleep... I'm yet to fill chart out activities for the void... TV is the next best option as of now... But really who are we kidding??? TV vs Laptop with broadband... No competition...

On demand content is the future... The internet is the future... And it's no longer at my fingertips anymore... I've been stripped of my super powers... I've been demoted to being mere human... It's a cruel reminder the world outside is not 'On demand'... It's a bad world out there, evil lurks and crime goes unpunished etc, etc... It's not so safe beyond the comforts of your digital universe...

This post is dedicated to all those idiots who forget with time... Forget and it will cost you...

For all those idiots who think it wouldn't happen to you... Well, think again...


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