Idle Ponderings... Passing Fancies... Lessons Learnt... Second Thoughts... Bursts of Inspiration... Thoughts in Motion...


tH3 DeVioUS aND DiaBOLicAL MiND oF


Posted By Unknown on/at Saturday, September 19, 2009

On how I’ll be different from the average copywriter, well I’ll be frank… My experience will leave them pale… Pale with worry, because in comparison… I won’t have much… Not to mention overjoyed with happiness, because it may seem like I won’t catch up to their level any time soon… I doubt the latter though…

Me at work… I constantly strive to deliver copy that sings… The kind of language that easily evokes strong compelling images in the mind of even the most casual of readers… With words at my disposal, I try to conjure illusions, converse like a comrade, be joyful like the village idiot and obviously… Be a slave to the brief at hand… I believe in competing with greatness and with myself… I know I can deliver great work, but the happiness in delivering a great ad is short lived… Like what Luke Sullivan says in ‘Hey Whipple’ about getting awards… Yes, at that moment you are the undefeated king… But after a while, when the celebration is all done, the wine glasses all washed and dried, and the last of congrats has rolled in… You’ll catch yourself wondering… Can I pull it off again??? Just like a drug… Post high, the next phase is withdrawal… You need to feed the addiction... You feel the need to outdo the competition and outdo yourself with each passing attempt... That would be my challenge every single day in the world of advertising… And somewhere down the line… A long career in advertising later… Judge a Cannes or two, write a book, turn philanthropist and retire into a quiet life in the loving embrace of the god’s own country…

Me at the work place… I am the office idiot… I’m a child at heart… I don’t throw attitude, I love and admire work better than mine and I take lessons from their crafters to improve my own… They say all ad people are crazy, I wonder… Being the son of psychiatrist I must be cured or just beyond all hope of a cure… But, what I just cannot tolerate is working in an environment which see’s advertising as just a job… I love advertising… Of course, there are times when you hate it, but like in true love you always come back… On your knees, begging for more… But lack of passion in a work place is a criminal offense worthy of capital punishment… I’m a hyper-optimist, that’s why I stick to working under senior personnel… Reality checks from the top of the food chain does wonders to keep little people in line… I handle authority and crisis well… For me working time is not an issue as I’m willing to work long hours into the early hours to deliver quality work… As long as there is good food and coffee to keep me going…

I don’t know if my long and monotonous diatribe makes me any different from … I’m yet to make my bang of an entry into advertising, but my commitment… It’s the real deal.

Excerpt from my response to an ad agency on how I'd be different from their copywriters...


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Prez said...

Beautiful. Very honest and heartfelt. :D Loved it. Trying to conjure up an image to describe my reaction but I can't!

Prez said...

"You’ll catch yourself wondering… Can I pull it off again??? Just like a drug… Post high, the next phase is withdrawal… You need to feed the addiction... You feel the need to outdo the competition and outdo yourself with each passing attempt... "

So true about copywriting in particular and writing in general. My sentiments exactly.