Idle Ponderings... Passing Fancies... Lessons Learnt... Second Thoughts... Bursts of Inspiration... Thoughts in Motion...


tH3 DeVioUS aND DiaBOLicAL MiND oF


Posted By Unknown on/at Saturday, July 11, 2009

After weeks filled with overflowing anticipation... So much so that I think my brains given birth to a river... Lets call it the River Anticipia !!! Anyway, post river Anticipia, my college has unleashed a licensed mad man upon this planet...

Yes, I've officially been deemed worthy by my institution... Enough for them to bestow me with a degree... Thank god for that and thank god for the degree... Now the next set of questions are the ones I'll have to ask myself.. Now what... And for some reason it will echo down the entire family tree or hopefully it'll slip through the radars... I hope an open declaration will give me a breather and hence the blog...

Now that I've got my license to ensnare, next plan would be tanker loads of advertising... Its not about the glamour really, its more about involuntary learning... There's a lot to talk about everyday, a lot to learn... There's always something new everyday, or sometimes... It's something old from yesterday screaming deadlines... Or it's that ad the competition came out with... Or that movie you saw yesterday... Or this or that or a bunch of million other things... It's one of those places where everyday does not require routine but spontaneity...

When you look at it from one of many perspectives advertising is actually... Actually lets skip that, nobody likes us ad people thaaaat much... Except probably when you become creative geniuses of such magnitude that the media digs you up and puts you on display, asking your views on the people and happenings in the world around us... The well kept secret is when you say people, we hear consumer... And happenings, well we call them opportunities... Somewhere in our minds, we begin hearing cash registers ringing... Sure we understand people, we research it, document it and put it to work... You see, we are the watchdogs of capitalism... Did I say too much... Maybe I should stop before you stone me or my kind execute me...

That said and done, I think I've been going off on wild tangents with no perspective in particular... And none that seems to be helping me... What I actually wanted to say is... In the language of our ancestors...

Oooga Ooga... Me graduate... Happy happy... I Advertising Long Time...


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A. said...

Hey congratulations!! :)