Idle Ponderings... Passing Fancies... Lessons Learnt... Second Thoughts... Bursts of Inspiration... Thoughts in Motion...


tH3 DeVioUS aND DiaBOLicAL MiND oF


Posted By Unknown on/at Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"Happy Birthday to me" that was yesterday and it was fun...

24 years old and I'm none the wiser to most of what's happening around me... But I've picked up a little here, a little there and few bits and pieces all around... I know I'm being vague... But you know it'll be a real drag, listing out all the bits and scraps of wisdom ill gotten and otherwise... And more so it'll feel moreover like an examination of sorts... Bugger, and that'll remind me of the examination I've to take to complete my degree (on 27th June '09)...

Oh yes, my french exam got bombed... It's no bombshell on the dinner table scenario, I'm cool about it... The ad industry doesn't seem to be looking for marks, but talent.. Don't get me wrong marks have to hit a basic level of adequacy... And my marks are pretty good... But studying offers no major challenge and panache... It doesn't cover everything and some parts of it are redundant... At least the Indian education system seems to be so... Me, I'm part adrenaline junkie... Work is challenging, its more like a game but realistic... All the stakes are real... And French well it'll be over by this month end...

Besides, now I've got to get organized... Blimey, I cant believe I said that... I'm more of a "leaf in the wind" lifestyle like person... But times are changing and I guess I should too....

The agency I'm working with is mid-sized and fun... They have only two copywriters now, one of which is me and the other is a veteran, who comes on and off... So I'm pretty much at the helm of things... While I do get an opportunity to stretch my creative limbs, the clients are the kind that often cramp my style... But you know what they say "the customer is always right"... So moving on...

I think I need a Sensei... That's what they call it at Crispin Porter and Bogusky (If you didn't know, CP&B is only like the best ad firm in the planet)... That means a migration is in order... So that's what's on the table... But not soon, probably in a month or three... Till then I want to relish the sweet taste of absolute power... Muahahaha...

Post that there is a plan for a post graduation and the likes... And things of that magnitude...

But all things aside, this birthday was a great one... It was my first birthday, living free and independent... On my own salary... Guess I'm getting older, whether I want to or not !!!


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Unknown said...

There are lot of lessons to be learned from life.The proof of learning comes when the same errors are not seen repeating.Each birthday is a stock taking for planning better and winning years.The feel of being on one's own leg is exciting.One has to make sure that the legs are placed firmly on earth.
All the best.

A. said...

hey happy birthday! bit late, sorry! Good luck for the exams, and if you want I can help you with French :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Yohan, Thanks Aleko... Especially for the offer on french, Aleko... But I've got it covered... Between a few friends and a couple of reliable professors, I think french should be pretty decent this time around...